LEGO Masters Australia

Season 4 Episode 9 – Blown Away Challenge

The teams return from the last challenge and encounter a huge fan in the room. After surviving getting blown away Hamish and Brickman introduce the challenge: blown away.

The teams have to build a wind-powered object that tells a story.

As an example, Brickman puts a cockatoo up in front of the fan and it’s wings flap. The teams are not told if this will be an elimination episode, so tensions are high for the next ten hours.

The Builds

Caleb & Alex – Spell Casting Wizard

A wizard casting a spell. This challenge is testing this team’s skills. Brickman comes by and notes that they have gotten better in their teamwork.

They study the mechanism on the demo cockatoo and decide to try and rework it sideways,

They take it over to the fan to test, and find out that while it works, the arms start to fall apart.

With the final minutes ticking down and only the hat remaining disaster strikes when the head completely falls apart. Caleb is gutted he now has to rebuild something he spent two hours on. The head gets put back and the wizard makes it to the judging podium.

Brickman states this is one of their best builds and loves the concept and the idea. They are a bit worried about how strong the arms are. The fan gets moving and starts blowing the wizard apart, his hat falls off and his arm are pinned back.

Joss & Henry – Moving Caterpillar

As the reining titanium brick holders, they are definitely keen on getting a few more wins away from Nick and Gene. The titanium’s brick power this episode is “a huge fan” which turns out to be a doting Hamish, amazed he’s meeting his favourite builders, and comes complete with personal facts and a one-man cheer squad.

The team uses a series of linked motors which create simple circular motions that create the alternating legs. As their caterpillar progresses the team realises it’s lacking a bit of extra. So they decide to shift the story a little and give it a wings and a pair of flight goggles. It’s a caterpillar learning how to fly.

The little critter manages to get hit full bore by the fan and earns the extra Hamish Blake bonus point.

Kirsti & Daniel – Walking Dinosaur

Dan is really looking forward to showcasing his skills in making a moving creature as he builds these things at home. They decide to use clear round window bubbles to create wind traps to power the model.

As the dinosaur gets going Brickman comes in and notes that their story of a single dinosaur lumbering around is a bit flat. He suggests that having a dinosaur getting chased adds more excitement. Dan now realises he needs an extra dino and more turbines.

The team push themselves but realise time is against them. They modify the dino to be more of a technical monster. Brickman tells them they have been a bit too hard on themselves and should give themselves credit for hiding the mechanism. The fan goes off and powers the dinosaur to a successful lumber.

Lexi & Rachel – Spinning Ballerina

Lexi is excited for another big character build, especially one at the size the team has planned. But as the build progresses they realise that the size is causing too much weight for the mechanism to turn. With the final few minutes remaining, they decide to build a lighter model that sits alongside the original. The fan gets to full power before it begins to rotate a full circle. The model is still too heavy.

Nick & Gene – Head Banging Rocker

The team decides to build a rocker who’s on a giant amp. They are also adding in two movements, the strum and the headbang. With the main mechanism working the team set about working on extra detailing, like having a chain that blows in the wind.

As the fan starts there’s some trepidation as the rocker doesn’t rock. But as the power increases he starts to move, reaching the top level. Brickman loves how clever they were in hiding the mechanism behind the speaker grill.

Paul & Trent – Spinning Hamster Wheel

With the technical aspects way out of their comfort zone, Paul and Trent decide to go at their pace and see what eventuates after ten hours. Technical issues plague their model as the weight of the wheel causes gears to slip. Hamish comes by to offer advice, but isn’t much help. The hamster is put on the wheel, and manages to get to full fan power, but it fails to turn.

The Verdict

With all of the models surviving the power of the wind it is revealed that this isn’t an elimination challenge, to many teams relief. Two are called up; Henry and Joss and Nick and Gene. Brickman gives a shoutout to Caleb and Alex for their skills.

As a result of both top teams having a draw the titanium brick is split, giving both the teams power from immunity.

Next week: We enter finals week, and the challenges are pushing our teams to the limits.

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