LEGO Masters France – Season 1 Episode 1

Nous saluons le retour! We continue our premiere episode of LEGO Masters France. With the teams moving into the second half of the first episode with their next challenge and their first elimination.

The Challenge – Super-Heroes vs Super-Villians

Another segment returning from the US format. Each team gets to pick a pair of minifigs that represent good or evil. Teams are then paired up. Each team has to work with each other to bring about a coherent story while playing into the strengths of having a superpower that reflects their good or evil nature while doing battle.

The judges will decide which side won based on the build’s quality and adherence to the brief. The four teams that loose are in the running for elimination. With their performance in the previous challenge being taken into consideration.


Alban and Xavier – James Brickfield and Lady Van Heslow Vs. Super-Villians

Marguerite and RenaudThe Sewer Master and Professor Foam

Heavy metal fan Alban is ecstatic to have the guitarist and the chance to build himself his first LEGO electric guitar. Their story is how the musician brought a mansion and became friends with a vampire who he found when doing renovations.

Armed with his Mecha Guitar he is defending himself against Professor Foam who pours chemicals down his drain which creates a giant Sewer Monster. That’s oozing through the pipes to attack the mansion next door. The judges were impressed with both builds but awarded the win to Marguerite and Renaud for their excellent colour design and story direction.


Johan and Christelle – Scorn Cob and Bad Bunny Vs. Super-Heroes

Loïc and Guillaume – Storm Man and Mecha Chef

Johan and Christelle struggled to find their flow as teammates. Their build consisted of a rabbit in his evil lair who was readying a rocket to fire at the barn.

His side-kick was a Scorn Cob who is bearing down on the villains in a combine harvester. Sadly a key element of their build, a popcorn holder, failed at the last minute. Also noted by the judges was how the combine harvester made the villain feel like a guy in a suit.

Loïc and Guillaume also had a few rough patches. Their superheroes was a farmer who is able to create storms and a Mechanical Chef who attacks in a mech that has some moving parts.

But they also lost some points for the farmer being poorly utilized. The judges awarded them the win for having a more cohesive story that was helped by good technical building.

Super-Villians Jean-Phillippe and Yann -Erica and Pandor

Vs. Super-Heroes

Ariana and Aur̩lien РGlacier Man and Super Pierre

Jean-Phillippe and Yann has Erica who’s side-kick Pandor help her turn animals into stuffed toys that are used to power the Bear Mech that is going out to capture more animals. Points were given for the creative interpretation, such as the parents being locked up. Defending the mountain is Glacier Man and Super Pierre along with sentient boulders that are waiting to roll down the hill. However, the judges felt the story was a bit overcooked with lots of elements going on and the heroes were lacking in any over the top powers that made them feel super.


S̩bastien and David РThe Vegan Brothers Vs. Super-Villians

Thibault and Maximilien – Karen the Wicked and The Mummy

The Vegan Brothers used the power of hotdogs and tacos to defend their turf. A giant mechanical hotdog driven by a hotdog (Sébastien’s favourite minifig in the LEGO range) is assisted by a taco stand command base with the Mexican guy inside a giant sombrero. Across the field Karen the Wicked and her Mummy attack from their pyramid riding giant snakes, while sending bat-filled tornadoes across the sands. The judges were impressed with both but noted that Thibault and Maximilien could have broken up the design by not getting locked into set square baseplates. The over the top nature of the hotdog /taco team gave The Vegan brothers the win.


So came the time for the first eliminations; Jean-Phillippe and Yann, Ariana and Aurélien and Johan and Christelle were all called up. All three teams had been struggling to achieve the technical magic that is required to get ahead on LEGO masters. Sadly with a poor performance in the previous challenge the first team eliminated were Ariana and Aurélien.

Up next week we have another action-packed episode with two more big challenges. The Bridge and the Blockbuster.


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