LEGO Masters Sweden – Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

Week four of our LEGO Masters Sweden adventures from the land that brought you the adjustable wrench and Celsius. This week the task is to create a mini-golf putting obstacle. This challenge has appeared before in the UK series and finally makes its debut in the updated format.

This has been a much-anticipated episode as way back at the start of the year a clip was released showing off an incredible build. The judging criteria is given a bit of a twist. Alongside creativity, technical ability and story all three must tie into the obstacle. So you can’t just have a pretty tunnel!

Hans and Robert have a small advantage of having being told the theme in advance and had time to plan ahead. This episode really tested the teams as it’s quite a challenge to get a golf ball to traverse across LEGO. Along with difficulties in building technic elements each team was pushed to their limits. Oh, and they only have eight hours! Let’s go through the builds!

Peter & Emil

Adopting an Indiana Jones style jungle exploration theme build across a crumbling temple. This was a relatively simple setup with ramps requiring a fairly strong putt to get up and over. With the ball being shot out using a technic wheel based ejection system. However, this was given a bit of criticism as the eject mechanism was so well hidden and felt redundant as the ball rolled out of its own accord.

Theming wise it was pretty awesome with a good amount of greebling and textures on the brickwork. And dense foliage along with telling the story of the adventurer finding his way to the treasure.

Sarah & Leonard

Their concept was an alien bug creature that would be attacked by a spaceship (the golf ball). This team faced quite a few challenges trying to implement a technic system for the ball to catch onto. Failing this they reverted to a simpler trapdoor tilting mechanism which threw up a little “ow!” sign.

The path of the ball was pretty straightforward but the idea of it passing through the bug and out of its arse was hilarious and full of charm. Also, the detailing on the bug was pretty well done.

Emma & Eva

With the team having a shared background in working in swimming pools/gyms. They opted to make theirs themed around this environment. They were also the only team to have two directions through their obstacle.

But there was a spanner in the works. Eva became ill and had to sit out the challenge leaving Emma to forge on to complete the build. While functional it lacked a fair amount of detail which is a shame as there was some great work in that pool. But despite Eva’s illness, the team remains in the series.

Daniel & Joakim

All mini-golf courses need a good castle and this team went all out with an awesome throwback to the classic castles of LEGO history. Taking advantage of Joakim’s technical skills they built an incredible mechanical run. Where the ball would close a portcullis and travel along a path before being collected by the water wheel and dropped out the other gate.

This mechanism was considered pretty risky, so Mauri put a bet on whether it worked… he lost. If there was any criticism, it was that the castle was a bit plain in construction and lacking texture on the walls. But, in the theme of their inspiration, it was the style at the time…

Robert & Hans

The team with a key advantage. With both coming from the colder parts of the country they opted to build a ski resort complete with a slalom course for the ball to drop through. This was a simple gravity run obstacle and I was expecting the ball to skip over the slalom run given such a short travel distance.

Sadly Robert also became ill and had to leave and Hans had to complete the build alone. It was a well-designed build that encapsulated all sorts of snow and ice activities and some awesome design on the trees. Magnus commented on the lack of icicles, but apparently these only form when snow is beginning to melt.

David & Rickhard

This was an incredible build! Their theme was a casino and they delivered it in spades. The main feature was a tall ball lift which took the ball up to a pin drop. That then fell into a roulette wheel before rolling out the end to kick over a bucket of gold coins. And that’s not mentioning the fantastic lit up sign! You won’t understand a thing they are saying, but the video is well worth viewing!

It went above and beyond expectations and fulfilled the challenge. As it incorporated the casino theme multiple times into the obstacle making this team claim the first two wins of the series.

But sadly this episode also saw the withdrawal of Robert and Hans. Robert was too ill to continue with the long days of shooting and it was decided that they take leave. Meaning there wasn’t an elimination. Next week! The return of a familiar challenge, the evil villain lair!

Thank you for reading

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