LEGO Monkie Kid Megapolis City 5th Anniversary 80054 LEGO New Release Review

Monkie Kid Celebrates 5 Years with the Megalopis City!

LEGO Monkie kid has been a theme that has lasted many years now. And it is now hitting it’s very first milestone! The theme debuted back in May of 2020, and is in for it’s 5 year milesto – wait…

The maths doesn’t line up here, does it? Well, in certain parts of the world, mainly Monkie Kids’ primary target audience, some cultures believe that when you are born, you are not 0, but 1. And if you are reading this at the time of the article’s release, this set releases on Jan 1st, 2024. That makes a narrow 5 years by technicality, but it counts.

When LEGO make anniversary sets, they are usually the epitome of the themes. I’m keen to see how this one holds up. Let’s deep dive, shall we?

LEGO Monkie Kid Megapolis City 5th Anniversary 80054

LEGO® Monkie Kid Megapolis City 5th Anniversary

One of the biggest things to know with this set is modular ability. The set can be taken apart and rearranged in a multitude of different ways. Stacked differently or spread out to connect with other Monkie Kid sets. We’ve put the set together in a default array. So just know that if you don’t think X belongs with Y, fret not! You can move things around to your heart’s content.

The set has many different sections and subsections that can be played around with. But the default base of the model is mainly grey bulk. As well as small clouds that can be moved and shifted around, but commonly found attached to the simple Temple-esque structure at the front in our iteration.

From here on out, we’re taking a look at those modular parts! Let’s go!

Mini ‘Gumball’ Store

The small gumball part of the build is a reference to three recent baddies of the Monkie Theme. Being the Azure Lion, Yellowtusk and Peng, all members of The Brotherhood. Inside and outside the building are small builds of lolly/capsule arcade machines. Where you can insert a coin, twist the crank and win a prize. There isn’t much going on within this space other than references through stickers to places such as the Heavenly Realms.

Jade and Record Store

The Record Store of the build manages to do very well with what little space is offered. A wall of records and two record players and a lava lamp to booth. The details on top, we well as the colours of the wall and speakers makes it pretty clear that this building is run by the Gold and Silver Horn Demons.

The lower level of the Jade store is more of a display than anything else. There are green elements throughout and a few stickers here or there. But nothing more to it. I guess this more for the fan speculation of the shop owner Lady Yu…

Classic Space Elevator

Well, it’s nothing surprising when LEGO put in Classic Space references. With the very clear LL01, LL02 and LL03. As well as the logo up top and colour palette, the reference takes centre stage of the set. This module also inhabits a functional elevator to send citizens high up in the city.

There are some fun references here to a LEGO Vending Machine. Including what I can only infer as a possible Bionicle Canister inside. There is also a sign for LEGO set 200, Family Figure Set, as well as the Monkie Kid Mech fighting the Bone Demon’s monstrous mech.

There is also a large peach tree attached to the top of this structure, which includes new moulds for peaches!

Acupuncture and Sneaker Advertisement

The Spider Queen certainly has a development of character, as her shop, as spooky as it may seem, is now an acupuncturist. The lower floor of the Spider Queen’s shop has a number of bolts of fabric and tools. And if this was to infer her making shoes, it misses. I can’t really tell what this floor is for. But I do like her giant Spider Mech makes an appearance. Upstairs is a skeleton for anatomy, as well as a poster for her acupuncturing.

There is also a reference to the Dragon of the East here too.

Food Stall

Pigsy has classically made his mark on the on the city with his own food store once again. One very clear reference that sits atop the restaurant is the Classic LEGO Wooden Duck in brick form. Which is always a fun bit. The highest point of the city stems from this part of the model. Which is an upsized MK staff with an antenna sticking out from the top, which is a fun mix.

To the side of the restaurant is a book and inkpot, placed there for Mr Tang to write away to his heart’s content.

Ferris Wheel and Game Machine

More of an odd addition to the set, the Ferris Wheel draws eyes very easily. Although nothing complicated, the LEGO Designers manage to make an a function-yet-not-too-large Ferris wheel as play feature. If you were also concerned about safety for the occupants, then the designers agree with you too. There’s a fun print warning occupants to not stand up!

The game machine to the side of this build is a refence to TimeCruisers. A classic old school theme that uses the same fonts, colour palette and whacky prints. On the nearby fence we also see LEGO Toolo, which was a Duplo construction line in the early 90s. There is also a lineup of the classic MK cast too.

Inside the game machine, we get our first appearance of the Classic Space helmet in Green, which would be a big victory for Classic Space fans.


This set comes with its own cast of 15 Minifigures, which is quite a lot. Much like other reviews, we’re going to blast through the list here.

Monkie Kid

Monkie Kid as a Minifigure has never failed to disappoint. There are many iterations of the figure layered with lots of printing and details that its hard to figure out if this is a repeat or not. LEGO don’t cut themselves short on giving the titular character the attention to detail. I like the figure, but at some point I think it wouldn’t be a bad choice to give him a more minimalist look for these cityscapes.

Red Son

Red Son is more of shell of what he once was, and it conveys well in the figure. His hand flamethrower is a simple but effective build, but I do with there was something more with possible leg printing to make him stand out more.

Auntie Tei

I admittedly don’t know anything about this character, but she does share the same outfit as Mei. I think the printing is nice and effective, but I just don’t know anything about her to weigh in beyond that.


Although Lee uses a parts that are readily available. There is something amusing about the large portable dumpling delivery backpack that he has on that really amuses me.

Bone Demon

Seemingly giving up a life of evil, the more relaxed side of this character is really cute and terrifying at the same time. One of the favourites.


Seemingly turning over a new leaf as a wall painter (according to the box art). This new Urban Macaque is a fresh take on the character. I also like this a lot.

Lady Yu

I had to do a Google on this one to figure out who this person is. If her basic disguise fooled you as it did I, then the alternate head of her having a diadem was a bit of surprise. This, combined with the Jade shop implies that Lady Yu might be a goddess of some kind. As for the figure? Business casual, nothing fancy here.


Sandy comes in this set with a red shoulder jacket, and as much as I like seeing this Minifigure form of Sandy. I wish we got some alternate heads to make him not look so angry. This would have been the set to do it in.


Same outfit as Auntie Tei. If you have a Mei figure already, this here is nothing new.

Gold Horn Demon

Well, if any character got a downgrade, it’s these two. Not only do we no longer get the specialised hair/horn moulds used in their original set debut. But the figures are shells of their former selves. The suits are the same, the parts for the head/horns feel like a cheap copout, and the head is the same too! They have the EXACT same headpiece, just double sided print. I don’t like this at all.

Silver Horn Demon

Same as above. I would have preferred a different figure rather than the ones we got. It just feels weak.

Monkey King

Admittedly I don’t know the significance of the Monkey King’s outfit with leopard stripes, but I’ve never been the biggest fan of it. It contrasts with figures in sets, and doesn’t look as iconic as some of the other versions we have gotten previous. I don’t know how many times LEGO can make or remake this figure before it gets stagnant. But for a relaxed cityscape like this, this outfit feels out of place.


Pigsy is the same as always has been; a weird figure. I know that this is the context of the theme, but if you were looking for anything new here, it’s still about the same. I wish we could at least have him smile in some regard.

Mr. Tang

Mr. Tang has always had outfits that worked very well with the character, and this is no exception. I’m a big fan of his head printing, as the closed eyes give a “I’m sleeping” or a “I’ve taken my glasses off as I’m taking a deep breath before I scold you” vibe.

Spider Queen: I reall like her down-to-earth aesthetic of this character, and the use of Liann’s hair from the recent LEGO Friends cast was a great choice. Making her an acupuncturist is very fun development of the character.


The Monkie Kid Megapolis set is set crammed of references and allures to significant moment in the theme’s history that a true MK fan can understand.

The fact that this build can be modularised and interacts with previous sets is a fantastic design choice, meaning that this is a great expansion to the previous MK city set.

That being said, it isn’t without it’s flaws. Some of the figures of the set feel like filler or real downgraded versions (Looking at you Silver and Gold Demons!). Some buildings make fantastic use of the space, and others, not enough.

This is great expansion to the other Monkie Kid City of Lanterns set, but comparatively, the ‘wow’ is much stronger in the previous version than this one. This set is more of a closure on some villains and characters we don’t see anymore and allows fans to make stories with what they are doing now.

It’s a weird middle ground; I don’t dislike the set. I’m not sitting here longing for more. I just don’t think it really hits that ‘5 year celebration’ mark as well as other themes have. Give us a Golden Monkey King, Oversized statue of his mech or something. Just missing that one last ‘thing’.


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